ABA and Running

When looking at how ABA and running can be combined to help you improve running, start running, or hit your PRs, is to look at why you run or want to run. Think about what gets you out the door, is it to destress from your life, to have some me time, to start your journey to a healthier life? Whatever it is that is part of your motivation to start running.

Now the other side of ABA is what happens after your run to keep you running. It could be something as simple as it makes you feel good, to needing a piece of chocolate after your run or if you run a certain amount of time or miles buying new running shoes or clothes.

Now both of these reasons can change from day to day or even based on the type of race training you are currently working on. I can tell you from personal experience that my reasons for going out on a run and continuing to run have changed drastically over the years. At one point it was to lose weight, training for mu first half marathon and then my first marathon but nowadays it is mostly to relieve day to day stress.


Shaping Your Runs